The timber frame building will provide the children with an indoor play area for when the weather restricts playing outside. Wraptite- SA airtight membrane was donated by the A. Proctor Group to ensure that the wikihouse could be made weathertight and provides breathable water resistant protection for the timber structure.
The use of Wraptite-SA makes a significant contribution to a building’s thermal performance by preventing lateral air movement. Wraptite-SA’s high vapour permeability allows any water vapour to escape the wall construction effi ciently thereby avoiding any interstitial condensation problems. This ensures good indoor air quality and reduces the likelihood of mould, mildew, and timber distortion.
The Baltic Street Adventure Playground is an innovative supervised adventure playground for children from 6 to 12 years. The children choose what to do and get involved in everything from the day-today management to the development of the site. Specially trained play workers keep the children safe, cook food on the campfire and support them to pursue their own play, from make-believe to construction projects.