Wraptite® - External Self Adhesive Air Tight Membrane

Our range of Wraptite external air barriers solve the problem of reliably achieving airtightness in buildings, with a robust two component solution comprising Wraptite & Wraptite Tape. This new approach saves on both the labour and material costs associated with meeting the demands of modern energy efficiency requirements in both commercial and residential buildings.

Moving the air barrier to the outside of the building, away from the ‘services zone’ means there are far fewer potential penetrations to the air barrier and that there is no requirement for expensive specialist components such as airtight junction boxes, light switches or downlighter hoods.

Wraptite is an external airtight solution, which is not only highly vapour permeable, yet airtight – but also self-adhered to ensure a consistent airtight external seal.

Wraptite® - External Self Adhesive Air Tight Membrane product image
NBS - Wraptite
NBS - Wraptite
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    Product Information

    Wraptite Warranty

    Please click on the link below to apply for the A.Proctor Group 15-year Wraptite Warranty application form. The form requires information related to your business and project to gather enough information for us to provide a warranty for your specific project.

    If you have any questions about the form or our products then please call our technical team on 01250 872261 or send us an email: reception@proctorgroup.com

    Permeability of self-adhesive membranes: FAQs

    Specifying a vapour permeable membrane in a facade, installed over a sheathing board, is a proven way to protect the structural frame. It can also deliver building performance, especially if it serves as the airtightness line too. In this month’s FAQs, the team at A. Proctor Group answer questions about comparing different vapour permeable membranes, and challenging performance claims made by manufacturers.

    What role does a vapour permeable membrane play in a facade?

    It can be days or months before external cladding is installed on a facade, so vapour permeable membranes are crucial for protecting the structural frame from the weather during construction. With the cladding in place, the membrane then acts as a secondary defence to external moisture…

    Wraptite - LSE, London

    Wraptite - LSE, London - Image - 1

    The Marshall Building, part of the renowned London School of Economics has been fitted with the Wraptite external air barrier system from the A. Proctor Group.

    Part of a winning design created by Grafton Architects, the impressive 10-storey building features pale stone cladding and is home to a series of educational facilities including lecture theatres, offices, classrooms, and a sports hall.

    Specialist contractor, I & S Construction, Dartford consulted with the A. Proctor Group’s technical team and selected the Wraptite air barrier to be incorporated within the external wall cladding system.

    Membranes & Fire Performance

    The increasing use of a self-adhered breathable membrane in high-rise development over A1 and A2 sheathing boards, has resulted in it being carefully considered in terms of performance in a fire context, which is of critical importance. Wraptite has therefore undergone classification to BS EN 13501-1 over a wide range of appropriate substrates.

    The results from these tests showed that Wraptite achieved a Class B-s1-d0, the highest classification that can be achieved from a polypropylene based membrane.

    Wraptite is not solely limited to being supported on a specific substrate, and is utilised on a variety of different substrates. In accordance with 5.2.2 of BS EN 13859-2, Wraptite has also been tested free hanging and achieves a Class B, s1,d0 result. Therefore Wraptite is suitable to be installed onto relevant buildings as per the current Approved Document B and regulation 7. Guidance should always be sought from a qualified fire engineer when specifying materials in such cases.

    This performance allows designers to utilise the weather protection and air leakage performance benefits of Wraptite with confidence, even in the most demanding of applications where fire safety is critical.

    Wraptite In Roofing

    • Self adhered
    • Airtight yet vapour permeable
    • No ventilation required
    • Can be used in all wind zones
    • No maintenance required
    • Class B, s1 d0 in accordance with BS EN 13501-1:2007
    • BBA Certified (Cert. No. 15/5274)
    • Tough 3-Layer Laminate resists punctures and tears
    • Lightweight and easy to install
    • Wide service temperature range
    • Can be left exposed for up to 90 days (North America) or 120 days (UK) during construction (Please contact the A. Proctor Group’s technical department for advice on specific geographical locations)
    • Free from Volatile Organic Compounds
    Wraptite In Roofing - Image

    Where a full wall and roof airtight envelope is required Wraptite can be used in both applications. The self-adhered backing not only ensures an airtight seal but resistance at laps against water penetration, dust, air infiltration and wind resistance making it an excellent choice for this application.

    Wraptite Corners

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    Wraptite Corners - Image - 2

    Wraptite Preformed Airtight Corners have been developed for the difficult areas around doors and windows where maintaining good air barrier continuity is difficult and time consuming. Wraptite corners’ simple design and installation process makes sealing openings against air leakage simple, just peel off the release liner, stick the corners in place, then install the Wraptite membrane as normal. This helps achieve the best possible results in the shortest possible time.

    Once installed, the corner sections provide the same vapour permeable air barrier performance as the Wraptite membrane itself, ensuring air leakage and water ingress are minimised without trapping construction moisture or causing condensation.

    Cross Laminate Timbers (CLT) and Wraptite

    What is Cross Laminate Timber (CLT)?

    Cross Laminated Timber, or CLT, is an engineered timber product that consists of planks of sawn, glued, and layered wood, where each layer is oriented perpendicular to the previous. By joining layers of wood at perpendicular angles, structural rigidity for the panel is obtained in both directions, similar to plywood but with thicker components. In this way, the panel has great tensile and compressive strength.

    Why use CLT?

    CLT is claimed to consume only 50% of the energy required to produce concrete and a mere 1% of that needed to produce steel.
    Prefabricated panels can be delivered to site as they are needed, making this construction method ideal for schemes with limited on-site storage capacity. They are then lifted into place, using pre-installed lifting straps, and rapidly assembled, greatly reducing construction time and therefore cost.
    It’s a sustainable material because it’s composed of wood, a renewable resource (usually from reforestation), and doesn’t require the burning of fossil fuels during its production. CLT buildings are gaining traction, as they are often cheaper, quicker, cleaner and quieter to build than traditional structures.
    The panels can function as walls, floors, furniture, ceilings, and roofs; CLT’s thickness and length can be adaptable to the demands of each project.

    CLT Advantages

    • As a renewable material, stores carbon throughout its usable lifespan
    • Avoids thermal bridging (in parapet walls or flat roof solutions)
    • Good delivery of airtight envelope
    • Greater load distribution can reduce thickness of transfer slabs
    • Simple and fast onsite construction process
    • Vapour-permeable wall construction

    CLT Limitations

    • Requires completed designs ahead of start on site, to allow for offsite manufacture
    • Use limited to above damp-proof course or equivalent level
    • Requires accurately set out groundworks
    • Requires external cladding or render to provide weatherproof envelope
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    Cross Laminate Timbers (CLT) and Wraptite - Image - 2

    Wraptite and CLT

    CLT panels should be protected from moisture during construction and allowed to sufficiently dry before the application of linings. This includes adequate protection from rain and ground water on site. High initial moisture content of the timber elements — through exposure to weather during construction — creates a potential for interstitial condensation.
    An air barrier, like Wraptite, should be installed on the outside face of the panels. The boards within the panels are not edge-glued, and therefore without this air barrier, leakage may occur.

    Combining vapour permeability and airtightness in a self-adhering membrane, Wraptite offers a fast and effective solution to unplanned air leakage and its detrimental effects on energy performance. Wraptite not only ensures an airtight seal but resistance at laps against water penetration, dust, air infiltration and wind resistance making it an ideal choice for this application.


    Wraptite FAQs