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Product Information

Façade & Highrise Building Design Brochure
We offer a range of product solutions covering thermal, acoustic, ground gas, vapour control & airtightness, suitable for your commercial building. These are applicable for Steel, Concrete, Timber, CLT and Offsite
construction projects.
Our portfolio of specialist vapour and airtight membranes, combined with our extensive technical expertise, ensure that the correct balance of Heat, Air & Moisture Movement is achieved via the building envelope. Our patented externally applied airtight membrane system, Wraptite, offers commercial construction providers the ability to reliably and comfortably exceed current airtightness requirements.
Total Solution Capabilities
Our products are backed up by a dedicated team of technical experts, able to assist at every project stage from pre-planning to on site. We offer CAD detail reviews, installation guidance, condensation risk analysis,
WUFi calculations, U-Value calculations, ground gas system designs, telephone support & more. Our products also have a range of BIM Objects & Performance Specifications.
RIBA - Air Leakage and Fire Performance in Facade Systems
This CPD aims to provide an overview of UK and Irish building regulations relating to the compliance of construction membranes, with respect to air leakage and reaction to fire. It will cover adjacent issues of moisture control and hygrothermal assessment, and the implications of air leakage strategies on both energy efficiency and ‘as designed’ vs ‘as-built’ performance. By the end of the presentation you should have a greater understanding of:
- Heat, Air and Moisture movement in building and relevant building regulations
- Hygrothermal Assessments, Dynamic vs Steady State methods
- Mechanisms and effects of air leakage on building envelopes
- Performance and location of membranes as air barriers in facade applications
- Fire test methods, classifications and BR135
- The relationships between hygrothermal and fire performance criteria and their implications