Condensation can significantly reduce the effectiveness of insulation, and result in damage to the building fabric. A Condensation Risk Analysis evaluates the likelihood of interstitial condensation in your roof or wall construction.
These calculations are regularly required by building control to demonstrate compliance with building regulation requirements.
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U-Value & Condensation Risk Calculator

- U-values calculated to BS6946 2017 including Annex C (Surface Resistances), Annex D.1 & D.2 (Thermal Resistance of Airspaces), Annex F (Correction to thermal transmittance).
- U-values calculated to ISO 13370 2017 – Thermal performance of buildings – Heat transfer via the ground
- U-values for light steel-frame construction calculated to BRE Digest 465
- Condensation Risk Analysis calculated to ISO 13788 (Glaser method), supporting infinite condensation planes. Automated external environment corrections for Suspended Floors & Slab on Ground Floor element types.
- Postcode Specific Climate Data – The condensation risk will be calculated based on up to date (pulled at time of project creation) 20-year average temperature & humidity data for the project’s postcode. Local climate data is a requirement of both BS5250 & ISO 13788.
- Print full project to PDF
- Custom air layers with low emissivity and ventilation
- Custom fixing profiles
- Adjustable return periods, external and internal environments