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    Product Information

    The FramePro W1 system was chosen as an external air barrier. The system comprises FramePro W1, a low-resistance vapour permeable air barrier for walls, plus Wraptite® Tape. Ron Beattie, Managing Director at Beattie Passive, explains, “FramePro W1 is a barrier system that provides complete protection from “windwashing” and the effects of wind penetration and moisture management in buildings. In addition, the system is easy to use and apply, easy to joint, and won’t tear.”

    Another benefit of the FramePro W1 system is that applying it externally simplifies the process, maintaining the building’s integrity, as there are fewer building services and structural penetrations to be sealed.

    By reducing the likelihood of potential failures to meet designed airtightness levels, the FramePro W1 System helps ensure “as-designed” performance, narrowing the performance gap between as-designed and actual energy performance. This challenge is highlighted in the latest revision of BS5250 – Management and Moisture in Buildings (Revised: July 2021), which includes reference to ‘as designed in theory’ (ADT) and ‘as-built in service’ (ABS).

    Isabel Beattie, Director at Beattie Passive, commented, “the buildings are designed to achieve Passivhaus Plus standards and zero carbon. To achieve these high standards, we undertake rigorous testing on the materials used in our build system, and the FramePro W1 system now features in all of our buildings.

    FramePro W1 - Beattie Passive - Image 2