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    Product Information

    The A. Proctor Group has over twenty years of experience in providing solutions for the safe development of brownfield land and an extensive range of products and solutions that will cater for most scenarios from typical ground gases, including Radon.

    The technical team at A. Proctor Group worked closely with the contractor UK Membranes in supplying the Protech GM Super geomembrane. GM Super is a high performance, proprietary, reinforced gas barrier, that incorporates a 12 micron aluminium foil layer, for maximum protection against the ingress of ground gasses.

    Designed with the latest standards and guidance in mind, the heavy duty reinforcing grid ensures the membrane meets the need to survive construction, reducing the impact of tears and punctures on the membranes long term performance.

    Andy Oxborough, Senior Buyer with UK Membranes commented, “Protech GM Super is a reliable robust membrane with good welding characteristics and has performed excellently on the project. In addition, Protech Self Adhesive Gas Membrane (Protech SAGM) was used in detailing and vertical installation applications. The 300mm width of Protech SAGM make it ideal for perimeter and detailing work.”

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    “The technical and supply support from A. Proctor Group has been invaluable. Thanks to the APG team, the process of ordering, supply and scheduling has run smoothly throughout which is imperative on a project of this size with completion deadlines. We are delighted with the performance of Protech GM Super and Protech SAGM and will continue to use them on future projects.”

    Protech SAGM is a self-adhesive gas and damp proofing membrane for use in detailing and vertical installation applications. Protech SAGM consists of an aluminium/polythene laminate coated on one surface, and a bitumen-polymer adhesive compound.

    The A. Proctor Group’s experienced technical support team can assist with the specification of gas protection systems, reviewing drawings and site investigations to ensure a suitable and safe solution optimised to fit the individual project circumstances

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