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    Product Information

    “The architect originally specified another insulation but this would have required encroaching 100mm into the room and would necessitate moving door frames and rebuilding window reveals. After extensive research, I identified the Spacetherm Multi aerogel product from the A. Proctor Group.

    “The architect was so impressed by the thermal efficiency of the Spacetherm Multi. With a total thickness of 20mm when rendered, this will not encroach onto the floor space, and the door frames and windows will not need to be altered. Subsequently we included Spacetherm Multi on the planning application as an alternative to the traditional insulation originally specified, which was approved by the Conservation officer and building control.”

    In addition to the Spacetherm SLENTEX® A2 blanket, foil encased Spacetherm A2 (CBS) Cold Bridge Strip was also included at window and door junctions to address areas susceptible to cold bridging.

    Spacetherm® Multi - Bath - Image - 2

    Spacetherm Multi is a high-performance laminate specifically designed to be laid directly onto existing floors & walls. Spacetherm Multi consists of Spacetherm Aerogel insulation blanket bonded to a 6mm Magnesium Oxide Board.

    At just 16mm thick, the use of Spacetherm Multi has virtually no negative impact on floor space, making it ideal for refurbishment projects where space is at a premium.

    Typically, a solid wall will have a U value of around 2.1 W/m2K. Following the application of Spacetherm Multi, this can be reduced to around 0.8 W/m2K, dependent on the wall structure.

    Finally, Mike Mower commented “I think Spacetherm Multi is ideal for listed building insulation as it has a minimal effect on the infrastructure of the original building. It has the potential to be used extensively in old buildings such as we have in Bath where heat loss is at a maximum, the original walls need to be able to breathe when insulated and insulation has hitherto been impossible due to the visual impact encroaching on the listed building. I am also seeking planning permission to use the product to insulate the basement floor and walls.”