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    Product Information

    Our local Proctor membrane distributor, Dynamic Composite Technologies, recommended the use of Wraptite-SA. Wraptite-SA was an ideal solution to the water ingress problems on such a complex domed roof. As a result, the domes have been restored to their former glory with minimum disruption.

    Wraptite-SA combines the properties of a vapour permeable membrane and an air-barrier in one self-adhering product.

    The membrane fully bonds (no mechanical attachment) to almost any substrate for air tightness and ease of installation, requiring minimal use of sealants or tapes. Installation is quick and easy, offering labour savings to any project.

    Wraptite-SA air-tight membrane prevents lateral air movement enhancing the buildings thermal performance. It also provides high vapour permeability in a continuously sealed, self-adhered, air-tight membrane.