Product Information

Matthew Burrows, Founder of Self Build Heroes explains. “ We chose Roofshield because of its superior air permeability and breathability. Roofshield has been used successfully on several of our projects and provides excellent robustness, versatility and protection. The ease of use and excellent protection makes it an ideal all-in-one solution. I have always believed that to scrimp on materials is a false economy which often results in ending up paying twice to achieve the desired result. I confidently recommend Roofshield to my clients.”

The incorporation of Roofshield into a project can lead to savings in both labour and material costs, due to no ventilation or vapour control layer being required. The high-performance air permeability of Roofshield means that the roof space will have similar air changes to that of a roof using traditional eaves/ridge ventilation.

For the detached self-build property, a key objective was airtightness and enhanced thermal performance and so Wraptite® air-barrier from the A. Proctor Group has been used in combination with Isotex woodcrete insulated concrete formwork blocks provided by our joint venture partner InsulHub (UK) Ltd.

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Regarding the selection of Wraptite, Matthew Burrows commented. “ We worked with the technical team at the A. Proctor Group to create a high-performance specification across all of the properties. Our philosophy of dependable, reliable and motivated is key to our business and our clients. We have always been completely satisfied with the performance of the Roofshield membrane. Having researched the qualities and properties of the Wraptite airtight membrane we were assured of its high-performance capabilities. We expect that the use of Wraptite in combination with the Isotex blocks will further enhance the thermal performance and the potential energy savings for the property.”

The self-adhesive nature of Wraptite removes the additional time, cost, and equipment which would otherwise be required in a traditional installation of an airtight membrane and speeds up the installation.

Wraptite is the only self-adhering vapour permeable air barrier certified by the BBA. Applied externally on the outside of the structural frame, Wraptite simplifies the process of maintaining the envelope’s integrity, as there are fewer building services and structural penetrations to be sealed.

The high vapour permeability of Wraptite allows the substrate beneath to dry quickly and moisture vapour to escape, and reduces the likelihood of mould, mildew, condensation, timber distortion and metal corrosion.